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Through Bio-Communication your body is asked what it needs to bring itself back into balance, and thoroughly discuss the results with you.  Assessments are offered remotely throughout the world using a hand cradle (purchased separately)  as seen in the above video. If you are utilizing a wellness Partner a cradle purchase is not necessary.


Wellness Scans offer a wide array of scans utilizing the bio-communication galvanic skin response (GSR) technology which is similar to a lie detector.


Whether you are wanting to feel better by having more energy, lose weight, sleep better or whatever your desires are, we have a scan for you. 


You can simply make your choice on the type of scan when you make your appointment

Appointments are normally your Initial scan, Follow-up (once you have had your initial scan). 


1) Galvanic Skin Response - The ZYTO bioscan relies on galvanic skin response (GSR)—an established technology that measures fluctuations in electrical conductivity of the skin. One familiar application of GSR is lie detector testing.

2) ZYTO Hand Cradle - The ZYTO Hand Cradle measures the user’s galvanic skin response and sends that data directly to the ZYTO software for analysis. The GSR data is correlated and compared with Virtual Items in the software database.

3) Virtual Items - Each Virtual Item represents a different physical item. Every time the software introduces a Virtual Item, a corresponding GSR reading is taken by the Hand Cradle. Each new response is measured and tracked in comparison to the GSR baseline reading.

4) Proprietary Software - ZYTO’s proprietary software analyzes GSR data for patterns of coherence—looking for the ways your GSR readings fluctuate or shift in response to each Virtual Item.

5) Biological Coherence - While tracking the GSR data in comparison with each Virtual Item, ZYTO software assigns each Virtual Item a positive or negative value based on the coherence patterns. Positive values indicate Virtual Items that the body is biologically coherent with.
6) Prioritized Responses - An easy-to-read report is generated that displays a ranking of the Virtual Items that resulted in greater biological coherence. The report can then be used to assist individuals as they make choices to maintain overall health and wellness. We call this whole process biocommunication.

Below is a video with more information.

865-333-4554 (phone and text)

©2025 by Tonya Nichols MPsy., MSc., TDN, BSc.. et al. All right reserved.

No statement or product has been evaluated by the FDA and is not a substitute for your medical nor does it diagnose or treat any disease.

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